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Unless otherwise noted, all poetry, photographic images, artwork, and stories are owned by me, B.E. Locklear- Use of any material from this blog, including storing, transmitting, copying is STRICTLY prohibited without written permission. Please contact me by email if you see any unauthorized use on the Internet or other media to prevent plagiarism. Thank you so much!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Heaven Knows...

Dedicated to my poor, long suffering husband. Originally written Valentine's Day 2012- but still true today. And always.

Heaven knows why you put up with me…
I know my sparkling smile and kick ass …-boots are among the many reasons.
But seriously?
There are days when I fear with deafening clarity that 
My high maintenance is in danger of being kicked off as a line item on your patience budget.
But then I catch a secret glance you try to sneak by…
I somehow get hold of the way you smile at me in the morning
When you think I am too drunk by my dreams to notice.
Or, I unwrap the knowledge how you indulge my addiction with a patient sigh like the sweetest treat-
As you find a place on the living room wall for the evidence of my madness.
When without any reason other than ‘just because’ you suddenly look up 
To tell me I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
Those are the times I know with such absolute certainty that you love me.
Despite the crazy, the moods, the bitch-factor…
And I send a little prayer up into the blue, lofty place beyond reason and logic.
Because heaven only knows why you love me.
Despite me keeping these words from you too often:
Thank you.
I love you.


  1. Beautiful. You don't have to tell me you love me, but you do. I know you love me with absolute certainty. The warmth of you eyes say everything I'll ever need to know. Thank you for this wonderful poem! I love you too!!

  2. Awe! Thank you and you're welcome! :)
