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Unless otherwise noted, all poetry, photographic images, artwork, and stories are owned by me, B.E. Locklear- Use of any material from this blog, including storing, transmitting, copying is STRICTLY prohibited without written permission. Please contact me by email if you see any unauthorized use on the Internet or other media to prevent plagiarism. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Veiled Bird

The veiled bird 

In a magical kingdom, a bird sat on a branch, her eyes directed in sad subjection toward  the mirror providing the invisible cage of her soul.

"If only I was not so bleak looking. I'm an aberration of nature in this magical, vibrant kingdom."

The thought supplied another layer of weigh flattening her already crushed spirit.

"My eyes are so dull and without life. My feathers are faded and bedraggled."

As if needing confirmation, she tried to spread her wings, only to have them trapped and restricted by the ashen veil covering her whole being.

"I'll never fly like the other birds. Never leave traces of rainbows.  I'm doomed to sit right here, hidden mercifully by this shroud supplied by those who first recognized my abhorrent existence.

Emitting a soulful shriek, the bird recalled the totality of the agony plastering the bleak and worn road of her miserable life. 

On a nearby branch, unnoticed by the mourner of the incomplete demise, another bird sat, admiring the soulful song and the graceful dance of despair.

"What a beautiful sad song. I feel her pierces my heart. If only I could provide relief!"

The bird called out, announcing his presence.

No answer was received. So, the unnoticed companion, spellbound by a metallic ray of sun rendering the first bird bathed in a cloak of light and splendid color shining through the veil, stayed put, waiting to be received by an open, bleeding heart.

After a small eternity, the first bird ceased its indulgent, self-castigating dance.

Her eyes fell on the patient visitor.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you here, sitting with one as ugly and miserable as me? I was outcast by my parents, have no friends.  Life itself placed a curse on me. Can't you see I'm shackled to this mirror and this veil?"

Not being able to detect any bonds, the visitor replied cheerfully:

"I heard your song, observed your dance, and it drove me to seek you out. I noticed the resplendent colors of your feathers and their unique, vibrant beauty. Come with me! Leave this veil and this mirror. I can show you the splendor of life- and you will find the beauty I see in you."

"You are deluded! Why are you trying to trick me with your lies? If I believe you and throw off this veil, I will be naked, cold, and vulnerable. If I leave the mirror, I might forget how truly abhorrent I am.  I will get lost in the reflection of what others see."

With that, the bird turned back to its mirror, every now and then flapping her wings, injuring them further in the barbs contained in the veil.

For a long time, the visitor stayed on the branch, braving hunger, cold, and loneliness.

Finally, leaving behind a shimmering tear, it flew off, needing to sustain its own life.

After another while, the first bird turned and noticed she was once again alone.

"Here we go again. Alone." A silver sigh lifted on the gentle breeze like the feather of a fallen angel.

The veil became darker, heavier, and, shivering, the bird wrapped herself tighter into its lulling comfort against the frigid setting of the sun.

Author's note:  To all those amazing birds whose beauty enriches my existence.

photo from:


  1. Incredible! Superb! So moving! You have incredible insight into the human psyche and coupled with your amazing writing talent this truly is a magnificent piece of writing. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much, Monica! I am deeply honored by your words! <3

  3. This reads like a classic fable. Your imagery is so rich. Muito bem!

  4. I love this, as I do all your work. Thank you so much for sharing your versatile talents with us, and I do hope that you continue to pursue this and take your writing a step further.
