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Unless otherwise noted, all poetry, photographic images, artwork, and stories are owned by me, B.E. Locklear- Use of any material from this blog, including storing, transmitting, copying is STRICTLY prohibited without written permission. Please contact me by email if you see any unauthorized use on the Internet or other media to prevent plagiarism. Thank you so much!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Author's note: not written for myself at all but dedicated to my eternal inspiration. Or two of them... :)


Hot and cold-
Dressing for your climate zone – an impossible endeavor
Will I drown in the waterfall of your tears
Or be incinerated by the hell of crimson fury?
Azure redemption, rebirth, eternal fountain of youth 
Or Scalding verdict of eternal damnation 
Shortening my lifeline to a bleeding stump on my arm?
One day, dehydrated to the point of dust 
The next, oversaturated like a greedy sponge by salvation of your nurturing love.
Nauseated to the point of epileptic disorientation
I turn and swear to pull the escape hatch 
Shaky, sweaty finger reach out-
Damning liberation at my grasp,
Before, beguiled by the colors and the melody,
I willingly shackle my heart to the carousel,
Throw back my head
And laugh tears of agony.

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