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Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Dedicated to Trayvon Martin and his family- and to all victims of hatred, ignorance, and injustice...
Somewhere in the night a boy saunters to his fathers house,
Armed with the rainbow of Skittles and the cool refreshment of tea.
Somewhere in the night a mother engages in routine tasks
Humming a song, reading a book- she doesn't know it's the last night she'll ever be free.
Somewhere in the night obsession turns into the urge to act.
A call, an order ignored, he will follow this time:
"These guys always get away" - twisted perception morphs into righteous fact.
Somewhere in the night the atonal symphony of running, screams - then a shot.
Somewhere in the night a father checks the unyielding clock.
He shakes off the intangible fear, the sudden fright
His child will be alright- he only went to get a snack tonight.
 (BEL- 2012)
On February 27, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old young teenager, was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida, but the self appointed guard of the local neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman. Trayvon's crime: to walk to his father's house in this gated community after going out for Skittles and iced tea. Zimmerman is not unknown to police- and he obviously was ready to fight "these people"- who in his mind always get away.  He followed Trayvon, thinking the black young man, looked suspicious and was carrying something. He was- his bag of Skittles and his drink.  
Zimmerman (I cannot even bring myself to call him "Mr") followed Trayvon after being told by a 911 operator to not do so. By the way, having organized a neighborhood watch before, this is the first thing police will tell you- NEVER follow or confront someone you deem suspicious.  Call 911 and let it be- you have done your duty.
There was a struggle after Zimmerman confronted Trayvon, who, called for help- then there is a shot.  
A promising young life was cut short. Parents lost a son. A country adds another shameful chapter.  
The police "corrected" witness accounts to what "really" happened.  No charges were filed against Zimmerman.
You ask, how can this happen in America?  Well, sadly, this is not the first time.  Many say, don't bring race into this- but how can that be avoided?  Does anyone really think had a black man shot a white teen in cold blood he would walk free?  Would Zimmerman have assumed a white teenager was "up to no good?"  How long will fear divide us and keep us from having a debate on race and justice that needs to be had- over and over.  
How can this happen- STILL- in America... A very good question... Not the first time- let us pray it will be the last.  
Let's give our citizens hope.  I want to thank our black communities- there has been amazing restraint.  I shiver to imagine how a similar case of a black man killing a white teen without investigation and charges would stir vigilante justice.
 The only bright side of this tragedy: Due to first local, then nationwide outrage and the power of social networking, Trayvon's death is now being investigated by both the FBI and the Justice Department.  
The charge of manslaughter is being discussed by many. Personally, I think that since Zimmerman followed Trayvon despite being TOLD this was not necessary, and then shot him in cold blood (possibly with Trayvon on the ground already), this is not an appropriate charge. But I am ready to let the wheels of justice long as they are grinding away and are not jammed by antiquated fears, prejudice, and ignorance. 
Every time I look at my son (of mixed race) going out to run in the neighborhood I worry now.  I look at both of my children and I thank God for the gift of their presence in my life.  Trayvon's parents only have memories to sustain them.
Lets add justice to at least make their lives bearable. 
Here are some things to read up on if you have not read about this case- and thank you for signing the petition:

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin
By Judd Legum on Mar 18, 2012 at 6:19 pm
 um on Mar 18, 2012 at 6:19 pm
On February 26, 2012, a 17-year-old African-American named Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida. The shooter was George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white man.* Zimmerman admits killing Martin, but claims he was acting in self-defense. Three weeks after Martin’s death, no arrests have been made and Zimmerman remains free.
Here is what everyone should know about the case:

1. Zimmerman called the police to report Martin’s “suspicious” behavior, which he described as “just walking around looking about.” Zimmerman was in his car when he saw Martin walking on the street. He called the police and said: “There’s a real suspicious guy. This guy looks like he’s up to no good, on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about… These a**holes always get away” [Orlando Sentinel]
2. Zimmerman pursued Martin against the explicit instructions of the police dispatcher:
Dispatcher: “Are you following him?”
Zimmerman: “Yeah”
Dispatcher: “OK, we don’t need you to do that.”
[Orlando Sentinel]
3. Prior to the release of the 911 tapes, Zimmerman’s father released a statement claiming “[a]t no time did George follow or confront Mr. Martin.” [Sun Sentinel]
4. Zimmerman was carrying a a 9 millimeter handgun. Martin was carrying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea. [ABC News]
5. Martin weighed 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs 250 pounds. [Orlando Sentinel; WDBO]
6. Martin’s English teacher described him as “as an A and B student who majored in cheerfulness.” [Orlando Sentinel]
7. Martin had no criminal record. [New York Times]
8. Zimmerman “was charged in July 2005 with resisting arrest with violence and battery on an officer. The charges appear to have been dropped.” [Huffington Post]
9. Zimmerman called the police 46 times since Jan. 1, 2011. [Miami Herald]
10. According to neighbors, Zimmerman was “fixated on crime and focused on young, black males.” [Miami Herald]
11. Zimmerman “had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics” [Huffington Post]
12. A police officer “corrected” a key witness. “The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help.” [ABC News]
13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]
14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]
15. The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. A law enforcement expert told ABC that Zimmerman sounds intoxicated on the 911 tapes. Drug and alcohol testing is “standard procedure in most homicide investigations.” [ABC News]
16. In a cell phone call moments before his death, Martin told a teenage girl that he was “hounded by a strange man on a cellphone who ran after him, cornered him and confronted him.” “‘He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man,’ Martin’s friend said. ‘I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.’ Eventually he would run, said the girl, thinking that he’d managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin. ‘Trayvon said, ‘What, are you following me for,’ and the man said, ‘What are you doing here.’” [ABC News]
17. Zimmerman told the police “he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck.” “He said he feared for his life and fired the semiautomatic handgun he was licensed to carry because he feared for his life.” [Miami Herald]
18. Zimmerman was not a member of a registered Neighborhood Watch group. Zimmerman also violated basic Neighborhood Watch guidelines by carrying a weapon. [ABC News]
The Martin case had been turned over to the Seminole County State Attorney’s Office. Martin’s family has asked for the FBI to investigate.
* Zimmerman was described by the police as white. According to his family he is also Hispanic.

Think Progress Justice

 BREAKING: U.S. Department of Justice announces independent investigation into shooting death of Trayvon Martin | Statement: “The department will conduct a thorough and independent review of all of the evidence and take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation. The department also is providing assistance to and cooperating with the state officials in their investigation into the incident. With all federal civil rights crimes, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person acted intentionally and with the specific intent to do something which the law forbids – the highest level of intent in criminal law. Negligence, recklessness, mistakes and accidents are not prosecutable under the federal criminal civil rights laws.” The U.S. Attorney and the FBI are also participating in the investigation.

A Million Hoodies March for Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin's Last Phone Call Contradicts Shooter's Claim, Attorney


George Zimmerman's statement to police about what 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was up to on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., "is completely contradicted" by the boy's cellphone records, an attorney for Martin's family just said during a news conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Attorney Benjamin Crump said the African-American teenager had been talking to friends all day and, as first reported earlier today by ABC News, was on the phone with a young girl when he was confronted by, in Crump's words, "neighborhood association loose cannon" Zimmerman.
The girl, Crump said, says Martin was just trying to get back to the house he and his father had been visiting when Zimmerman came into the picture. She heard Martin ask "why are you following me?" Crump said. Another voice, according to the girl, asked at least twice "what are you doing around here?"
Moments later, Martin was shot in the chest.
The 28-year-old Zimmerman, who had called police to report seeing a "suspicious" person and was advised not to follow that person, has told police he acted in self defense.
As we've been reporting, Martin's death has reignited a national conversation about race and racial profiling. And it has led to charges from Martin's family and their supporters that local police failed to adequately investigate. "Arrest killer. He killed this child in cold blood," Crump said a moment ago.
Zimmerman has not been charged with a crime. The federal Justice Department is now getting involved, and the local state attorney announced this morning that he's asked a grand jury to investigate.


  1. A heartfelt thank you for your passion in raising public awareness of this outrageous crime against this innocent child - and for helping to bring justice for Trayvon. This tragedy has stirred deep emotions in us both. I especially love your poem, "Trayvon M." Love and Peace.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this poem and all the information about this case with everyone. We are all watching this case with great interest and praying for justice for Trayvon and his family.
