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Unless otherwise noted, all poetry, photographic images, artwork, and stories are owned by me, B.E. Locklear- Use of any material from this blog, including storing, transmitting, copying is STRICTLY prohibited without written permission. Please contact me by email if you see any unauthorized use on the Internet or other media to prevent plagiarism. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Rainbow

The rainbow

I cried and threw my words in your face
Spilled the wine and broke the glass
Running out the door into the foggy  night, guns blazing,
Cursing the day I ever laid eyes on you.
Sitting trapped in cold and darkness-
Pretending to be strong when all I needed was your call reaching out to me.
The joke was on me.
The vaults are empty without your sustenance.
My throat, swollen and parched from the angry barbs,
Worked hard to swallow the bitterness of false pride.
Tracking all the way back the highway of childish tantrums.
To where I knew I needed to be.
Wanted to be.

Perspective is a funny thing: Now we laugh as we toast how far we have come.
Despite the tears, the angry words, the darkness, and the doubts.
Or because of them.
We look behind- holding hands, watching the obscure dark clouds recede.
No longer the main event, they simply display
The jeweled wonders of the rainbow. 

(BEL 2012) 

Image:  Rainbow Rain by Penguin Lamp

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this picture! I like how it echoes the imagery of wine droplets and broken glass. Your poetry is very dark. Would you like to come into my office and make yourself comfortable on my couch?

