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Unless otherwise noted, all poetry, photographic images, artwork, and stories are owned by me, B.E. Locklear- Use of any material from this blog, including storing, transmitting, copying is STRICTLY prohibited without written permission. Please contact me by email if you see any unauthorized use on the Internet or other media to prevent plagiarism. Thank you so much!

Sunday, June 24, 2012



Author's Note: I wrote this Feb 25, 2012, but tinkered with it until today as it never felt quite right. 3 years missing Michael. And I know not everyone understands, but those who do REALLY do... As we cry and remember, take a moment to listen and see- he is right here in every kernel of creation.

Riding along the brilliant ray of sparkling sunlight,
Resonating in the sweeping melodic song of the birds,
Caressing ivory planes of  ivory sand and soft dunes of saffron desserts alike.
Erupting in the brilliant laughter of a child
Or flooding the soft cheeks of the broken lover.
Eternity- a vast span of time to be missed
An infinite range to assemble back into the divine kaleidoscope of music and color.
In the blink of an eye we were dazzled.
In the blink of an eye we thought you lost.
As I close my eyes and see beyond colors,
Shut out the noise and listen beyond waves of sound
Eternity is revealed
As you soar free in immutable glory,
For eternity. 

(BEL 2012)

Saturday, June 9, 2012



Help me, she’s killing me…

The bloodshot eye stares down into my soul as greedy claws grasp for my heart.
The punishing slice of the blade rips through tender skin.
Ruby pearls slashing the blanched canvas.
Her toothless, rotten cavern grins down on the sacrifice.
Stunned by the absolute absence of pain I silently plead for mercy:
Make it hurt to make it stop!
Deafening numbness the simple resounding reply.
No escape.

As my heartbeat erratically flutters in my throat like the paralyzed insect in the throes of death’s passionate dance
I scan the space for someone- ANYONE- to step up and intervene.
They are all silent.
Cowards in their corners
Soiling, sniveling, immature larvae,
Praying her wrath will not turn on them.

Why won’t anyone be my salvation?
Where is that white knight riding to the rescue?
Is the sea of scarlet waves too wide?
Or the price to insignificant?

She glares down at me: the superior, patronizing, horrific spotlight falling on one thought-
The putrid claws hold out the challenge.

Suddenly her features soften.
Mother? An angel? 
Lovingly she tightens the belt around my neck.
Soothing leather cuts into the throat that’s too sore from scorching, unanswered cries.
My universe constricts
The helldriven rhythm of my heart beat finally slows down.

We come eye to eye. 
I see the truth in her empty sockets.
With dying breath I inhale her essence.

Peace is finally within my power.
United at last.
A requiem performed by the angelic chorus of demons inside.

As the scene dims before me in the mirror,
As the lens constricts to that blurred field,
The last, fading light of the mesmerizing sunset falls on the hidden shadow:
Someone new, someone young, someone pure.
With youthful audacity she reaches across the gaping divide.

Stunned, I fall to the ground.
The rush of inhaled oxygen knocking me to my knees.
Staring into the looking glass before me
I find myself

2/28/12 BJL
Dedicated to A.

Image: Life Through Broken Glass by Firo Technics